..Mr. Anusorn Thassanaraphan and family from Bangkok, for marking the birthday anniversary of their daughter Phornnapphan with annual meal sponsorships for children at the Pattaya Orphanage.. Diners including toddlers and older kids, along with disabled persons in our care, thanked the benefactors and wished our Birthday Girl good health and abundant joy.. Thanks and best wishes to all of you..

..The party from AMAIR Ltd., Samut Prakan province, for visiting the Pattaya Orphanage and supporting our children as well as disabled persons through their CSR activities with a donation of various necessities, and the catering of afternoon refreshments for toddlers and the older ones, including kindergartners of our Deaf School.. Thanks and best wishes to all of you..

..The party from the Corporate Asset & Facilities Management of CP All (PCL), Bangkok, for visiting the Pattaya Orphanage and holding their AM Charity activity with a donation of various necessities, a playtime with a group of preschoolers, and the lunch sponsorship for children from toddler’s age and older, including disabled persons and kindergartners of our Deaf School.. Thanks and best wishes to all of you..

Fire Drill at 5-Storey Building

The Pattaya Orphanage, by the Maintenance Department, organized a training and fire drill for new staff members with both theory and field practice on the use of fire extinguishers as well as the emergency procedures in case of fire within our compound. During a simulation of a fire incident in the 4th floor of our 5-storey building, the team also raised awareness and promoted safety measures among the dwellers and users of the building, including children with special needs at Sotpattana School for the Deaf, who joined the exercise twice. Other personnel of the orphanage helped ensure safety during the practice, esp. the use of the fire escape and along the route to the Assembly Point. Thanks to all concerned for the support and continued attentiveness in helping make our home and compound safe.