50th Anniversary

To mark the 50th Anniversary of the Children’s Home Foundation Pattaya, or better known as the Pattaya Orphanage, the organizing committee set Friday 14th March 2025 for the Eucharistic Celebration (Holy Mass) as the highlight with Most Reverend Philip Adisak Phorn-Ngam, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Chanthaburi, as main celebrant.

Most Reverend Philip Adisak Phorn-Ngam, who was congratulated as the new Bishop of Chanthaburi Diocese on this occasion, presented Plaques of Appreciation to three Religious Congregations, i.e. the Redemptorist Province of Thailand, with Rev. Raymond A. Brennan CSsR, supporting as the first manager of the Pattaya Orphanage until his passing in 2003, and the management by Fr. Brennan’s successors until 2007; the Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres: Early years of support with child care; and the Lovers of the Cross of Chanthaburi: Support with child care until present. There was also a presentation of souvenirs to 13 personnel who worked until their retirements during the past five decades.

Over the past five decades, the Pattaya Orphanage has cared for over 1,200 children and disabled persons, and among them, 738 have been adopted to this day by families from abroad and within Thailand. There are currently 157 orphans and persons with disabilities, aged between 8 weeks and 46 years in our care. About half of them are below 6 years old.

Participants in the auspicious event include members of the Catholic communities from the eight provinces of Chanthaburi Diocese, representatives of the provincial government offices, friends and benefactors from within Pattaya area and the wider circle, while some, including adoptive families, come from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Switzerland.

The Pattaya Orphanage is thankful to God the Almighty for the blessings upon these children and disabled persons. These children and young adults may have lost something in their early days of their lives, but, through the support of many kind-hearted people and organizations, they have got opportunities for their future. We ask the Lord to bless all our benefactors and their loved ones in abundance.

Rev. Fr. Michael Weera Phangrak, the current executive director of the Orphanage, said in the opening ceremony:

“..We are here today to give thanks to God for all the love and blessings showered upon this Pattaya Orphanage throughout 50 years. More than 1,200 orphans have been well raised up to be successful and good citizens of the society. This noble responsibility was possible owing to the kind and generous support of benefactors both locally and abroad. Thank you and may God bless all of you..”

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