..Mr. Sophon Cheewinprapasri and his family from Chonburi province, for making merit at the Pattaya Orphanage during their first visit, and supporting our children as well as disabled persons with essential items, including rice grains, eggs and medicines.. Thanks and best wishes to both of you…

..Ms. Manirat Chanlamom and family from Bangkok, for making merit at the Pattaya Orphanage during their first visit with a donation of various necessities in support of our daily care for children and disabled persons.. Thanks and best wishes to both of you..

..Mr. Pradit Panaram, our 60-year-old Birthday Boy and benefactor in Chanthaburi province, for marking his anniversary with two special meal sponsorships, including a tasty chocolate cake, for children from toddler’s age and older, including disabled persons, at the Pattaya Orphanage.. Many happy returns of the day to Khun Pradit.. Thanks and best wishes to you and yours..