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E-Donation is an electronic system developed by the Thai Revenue Department to support the educational and religious institutions in storing their donation details and to facilitate donors, who pay income tax to the Thai Government, in ensuring their benefits of tax claims without having to present printed proofs of their donations to the Revenue Department, hence saving time in claiming their tax..
Sotpattana School for the Deaf, which is administered by the Pattaya Orphanage, is required to record donation details into the e-donation database of the Revenue Department; and we have decided to begin in July 2018 onward. Therefore, on top of names and donated amount, we need donors who are interested in using this system, to provide us the following additional data:
- – For individual donors, the 13-digit I.D. Number
- – For Corporates or Juristic Persons, the 13-digit I.D. Number of Tax Payers
In case you did not inform us of your wish that we store your donation details in the e-donation system on the day you donate, but would like us to record it, please let us know as soon as possible but no later than the 5th of the following month. This is because we are allowed to key data of a certain month within first five days of the following month. However, you can still use the original tax-deductible receipts we provide to file your annual income tax return.
Information on your donations can be checked by logging into your own accounts at the website of the Revenue Department, https://edonation.rd.go.th/donate/Index_InfoS.jsp.